With The Avengers, and a reluctant Rory. Photos behind cut, lots of them!
Boo! Halloween party with The Avengers! Fury, Hulk, and Iron Man with their Jack-o-Lanterns.
"I thought this was a costume party!" "What costume?" "CLINT!!!"
Tasty treats and bobbing for apples!
Handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters!
"Give Hulk break of Kit Kat bar!"
"Help! I'm drowning in candy!"
Poor little devil Rory. He did not like the hat at all.
Boo! Halloween party with The Avengers! Fury, Hulk, and Iron Man with their Jack-o-Lanterns.
"I thought this was a costume party!" "What costume?" "CLINT!!!"
Tasty treats and bobbing for apples!
Handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters!
"Give Hulk break of Kit Kat bar!"
"Help! I'm drowning in candy!"
Poor little devil Rory. He did not like the hat at all.