Picking out pumpkins (Fury is very picky- "That's a stupid-ass choice, I elect to ignore it!").
Carting the kids around in a wagon...
Playing in leaf piles (HULK SMASH PUNY LEAVES!) and tasting candy apples. ("This 'candy apple'. I like it. ANOTHER!")
And Loki, of course, tries to spoil the fun by throwing oversized pine cones at everybody. Boo hiss.
Nobody seems to notice the giant raven stalking them!
More later...have to plan a Halloween party for them!
Carting the kids around in a wagon...
Playing in leaf piles (HULK SMASH PUNY LEAVES!) and tasting candy apples. ("This 'candy apple'. I like it. ANOTHER!")
And Loki, of course, tries to spoil the fun by throwing oversized pine cones at everybody. Boo hiss.
Nobody seems to notice the giant raven stalking them!
More later...have to plan a Halloween party for them!