Two weeks post surgery and my staples are out! There is still some pain and I'm still very tired, but every day I feel a little bit better. The PA I saw was part of the surgery team, and was impressed with how well I'm healing.
I'm still bummed out that I couldn't go to Williamsburg with Mom and Dad. But Uncle John is coming to visit just before Halloween, so we'll go on a couple of day trips. I want to at least go to Skyline Drive to see the trees changing color. It's about the right time.
Welcome, Nicki! She is so cute.
I really don't regret not buying the FAO Schwartz doll. More money for Claudie and the twins! I'm getting a $60 coupon in November. It will go towards Claudie's Christmas coat and accessories, plus one more outfit.
I'm slowly getting back into my usual daily routine. I can do more chores as long as they don't involve lifting anything over ten pounds. I think I'll be just fine.
I'm still bummed out that I couldn't go to Williamsburg with Mom and Dad. But Uncle John is coming to visit just before Halloween, so we'll go on a couple of day trips. I want to at least go to Skyline Drive to see the trees changing color. It's about the right time.
Welcome, Nicki! She is so cute.
I really don't regret not buying the FAO Schwartz doll. More money for Claudie and the twins! I'm getting a $60 coupon in November. It will go towards Claudie's Christmas coat and accessories, plus one more outfit.
I'm slowly getting back into my usual daily routine. I can do more chores as long as they don't involve lifting anything over ten pounds. I think I'll be just fine.