Finished this tonight. It's a design by dirtycussstitch at Etsy, part of a five chart set. Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays. It can just get a bit overwhelming at times, especially since I've been sick.
This will be my second Thanksgiving since I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Even though I'm in remission, with no current evidence of disease, I still have brief moments of frustration and sadness. This tiny cross stitch is just an outlet for those moments, not my every day feelings!
My family is not joining my nephew in Charleston for Thanksgiving this year. Instead, he and his girlfriend are coming here, and the family Thanksgiving will be on Saturday. I'm a little disappointed about not going down to Charleston, but this is easier on everyone. We'll go in the spring. This also gives me the extra time to get Christmas trees and other decorations up!
Thanksgiving Day will be spent watching the Macy's parade, a dog show, and some football. Dinner will be takeout Chinese or whatever restaurant is open. It will be nice to not have to rush the cooking. Plenty of time to do that before Saturday!